Saturday, February 28, 2009

1000 Sit-UP

It was a great Saturday and a "Great day" for those in Hotel Wing


Cos we did our 1000 sit-ups! =D

Initially I was quite shocked and find it impossible to complete but when the counting goes like..


Eh somehow my numb-ed mind tell me i had completed a 1000 sit-up. Though most of us or should I say all of us struggled, doing all kind of pattern like "1 leg kicking", "Rolling baby", "Side butt push", "Amazing abdominal contraction", "Giving birth on-site" and etc to complete the tedious UP and DOWN process. In return, the experience we gained and the abrasion we got from this 1000 sit-ups were something memorable in times to come.

We also receive a cert to show our accomplishment and a cool Hotel Wing Badge for completing our thousand sit-ups. Though i still preher the initial idea of having a crystal trophy that cost $100 (Cause i find it quite cool! hehe)

Till here

lol somehow I felt glad to be in HOTEL! =D

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