First Station - Sakae Sushi (15:00 - 17:45) ~ 3/5 stars
Meet up with the nubs (Junyong, Jeremy, Jiawen & Keron) at Sakae Sushi for its lunch buffet. Ended up we were forced to stand outside of the restaurant because we came like 10 mins earlier for the buffet? Reason being the time is not 15:00 yet. (we could aleast sit-in right?) Anyway we still manage to get in simply by waiting for the specfic exact time. As usual we ate all kinds of sushi, fried snacks that were available but still the taste has not improve since the last time i ate. *Sushi can be very filling
Second Station - Men Ichi (18:30 - 1945) ~ 3/5 stars
Meet up with my favourite lunch buddies (Wenting & Weifeng) and Cedric at Men Ichi at dinner. This i my first time i actually went there. Well the taste was So-So (average) but it a great place for you to play the "酸甜辣咸" games. (Invented by crazy people like us!) =p. The game goes like adding any spice or sauce you can find on your food and play "Open No." easy right? Amazingly this game can be quite devastating for those who dislike the four taste that were mention above. *Try at your own risk! =D
Third Station - Scoops (2000 - 2045) ~ 3.5/5 stars
The grand finale of the day. Ice-Cream! yum yum. We order 3 favours - Durian (Yummy), Chocolate (Nice) & Mint with Choco chips (Not bad). It surprising how I still manage to dig into the ice-cream after having a non-stop action eating since afternoon. What really surprise me was a gift that was presented to me by them. *Awww.. thanks for the gift. =)
To be honest I must be mad to go on a Food Fiesta just a few days before my enlistment and worst of all in a sick condition (Cough & Flu *Pre-Enlistment Disorder/Syndrome). However I must admit it was fun!
Alright Cya all in 3 weeks times =D
Till here
It was nice to see you again. =)

"Men Ichi"

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