"History of Mt Biang - Special Version"
Long before your and my time. In a distance far away 2hrs flight trip from Singapore, there was a tall unnamed mountain. One day, a very rich hokkien merchant who was so bored, decided to buy a mountain to entertain himself, hence he employed the locals with him to explore the land. They search high and low and finally they find the nice and tall unnamed mountain, so with much enthusiasm they climbed up the mountain to see how high it was. As they climb higher and higher, the merchant started to feel the strain and tiredness trying to climb up the knoll. Then one of the local ask the merchant "Sir, have you thought of a name yet?". Due to the shag-ness of the climb the merchant did not heard the question yet instead he make a comment "wah BIANG leh! just how high is this mountain"
And thus it was name as Mt BIANG
Note - The story is purely fabricate out by a unexciting guy. The content itself does not have any hidden meaning or offence against anyone.
Till here
It was fun climbing up the knoll and playing slide down.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Social Nit3
This is my first time attending a "M" event. It was organise by one of our guys, I must say they really put in alot of effort and time in planning this nit3 event. Everything was nice and smooth until.. well the title "Social Nit3" say it all.
Cindy & Me
"YOU NEED TO SOCIALISE" (but that my greatest 缺点) *(Nod Head)
I wasn't able to socialise with people well. It just so hard for me to engage conversion with people i not familar with. Well I guess that something i need to work hard on =D
Since it a Social Nit3 that mean you have to bring a "DATE" to attend. Well it wasn't easy to find one though, so in the end I had to ask my best friend to help me. Lol that make me sound so nub
Till here
Tango Yankee to Cindy for helping me out =D
Cindy & Me
Lionel & Me *(Can you see him?.. LOL oops =x)
Monday, March 09, 2009
"Scorpion Sai"
Just return from Scorpion Sai and still in recovery mode
Most of your time you do:
Digging (Miner!)
Playing with rain (Swimmer!)
Shaping the Mud (Sculptor!)
Climbing the Knoll (Mountaineer!)
Overall it was my shagg-est moment ever in my 20 years. I was in "lala land" the moment, I close my eyes. Though it was shag and tiring but the experience gained was indeed something special. It not something that everyone will be able to experience and do it.
I'm glad I didn't miss it! =D
Till here
Most of your time you do:
Digging (Miner!)
Playing with rain (Swimmer!)
Shaping the Mud (Sculptor!)
Climbing the Knoll (Mountaineer!)
Overall it was my shagg-est moment ever in my 20 years. I was in "lala land" the moment, I close my eyes. Though it was shag and tiring but the experience gained was indeed something special. It not something that everyone will be able to experience and do it.
I'm glad I didn't miss it! =D
Till here
Saturday, February 28, 2009
1000 Sit-UP
It was a great Saturday and a "Great day" for those in Hotel Wing
Cos we did our 1000 sit-ups! =D
Initially I was quite shocked and find it impossible to complete but when the counting goes like..
Eh somehow my numb-ed mind tell me i had completed a 1000 sit-up. Though most of us or should I say all of us struggled, doing all kind of pattern like "1 leg kicking", "Rolling baby", "Side butt push", "Amazing abdominal contraction", "Giving birth on-site" and etc to complete the tedious UP and DOWN process. In return, the experience we gained and the abrasion we got from this 1000 sit-ups were something memorable in times to come.
We also receive a cert to show our accomplishment and a cool Hotel Wing Badge for completing our thousand sit-ups. Though i still preher the initial idea of having a crystal trophy that cost $100 (Cause i find it quite cool! hehe)
Till here
lol somehow I felt glad to be in HOTEL! =D
Cos we did our 1000 sit-ups! =D
Initially I was quite shocked and find it impossible to complete but when the counting goes like..
Eh somehow my numb-ed mind tell me i had completed a 1000 sit-up. Though most of us or should I say all of us struggled, doing all kind of pattern like "1 leg kicking", "Rolling baby", "Side butt push", "Amazing abdominal contraction", "Giving birth on-site" and etc to complete the tedious UP and DOWN process. In return, the experience we gained and the abrasion we got from this 1000 sit-ups were something memorable in times to come.
We also receive a cert to show our accomplishment and a cool Hotel Wing Badge for completing our thousand sit-ups. Though i still preher the initial idea of having a crystal trophy that cost $100 (Cause i find it quite cool! hehe)
Till here
lol somehow I felt glad to be in HOTEL! =D
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Back from Mother Nature
10 days with Mother Nature~
What did i learnt?
to kana butter and take it like a man (真荣幸...)
to sleep less than 5hrs a day (累到~~)
to fight with Mr. Branches & Miss Vine (偏体鳞伤)
to communicate with various kind of insects e.g huge spiders (~怕怕~)
to design pattern on face (洗不掉 camo)
to understand human psychology (人心难测)
Even though it was a very tiring 10 days but I did enjoy the whole trip. (*Dun judge by what I commented above) I must say it "worth it and fun!"
Till here
Awaiting next adventure! =D
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Home is a "Privilege"
Home is not a Entitlement but a Privilege to us. Do treasure them, especially the one that care for you the most "Your Family". Serving NS make me understand the importance of spending "Quality Time" with your family and friends. So for those who think otherwise, do wake up now as it still not too late to really spend a nice dinner with them.
Till here
P.S. Love your family NOW! =D
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Disaster Night
A happy ending turn out to be a disaster night..
We had a Platoon BBQ section at East Coast Park. Everyone was excited and happy about being REC to PTE. We cook and eat lots of chicken wing, hotdogs, prawns & etc, happily chit-chatting about all the small and big stunt we make during our 3 months in BMT.. it was suppose to be a joyful night until it turn disaster.
It all happened when we about to leave the area. As you know we "BOYS" are very playful as usual, so we decided to play some stunt - By jumping over the low bushes that use to segregate the road and cycling path. Everything happen so fast when one of my friends decided to jump side way which result in freak accident that make probably going to make me regret for the rest of my life and a broken elbow.
Now i simply wish that we never did that stupid stunt in the first place..
Till here
I hope he recover soon.

"The weird army boys"


"Preparing to step-off"

"Act punk"

"Platoon 1 Minor"
We had a Platoon BBQ section at East Coast Park. Everyone was excited and happy about being REC to PTE. We cook and eat lots of chicken wing, hotdogs, prawns & etc, happily chit-chatting about all the small and big stunt we make during our 3 months in BMT.. it was suppose to be a joyful night until it turn disaster.
It all happened when we about to leave the area. As you know we "BOYS" are very playful as usual, so we decided to play some stunt - By jumping over the low bushes that use to segregate the road and cycling path. Everything happen so fast when one of my friends decided to jump side way which result in freak accident that make probably going to make me regret for the rest of my life and a broken elbow.
Now i simply wish that we never did that stupid stunt in the first place..
Till here
I hope he recover soon.

"The weird army boys"


"Preparing to step-off"

"Act punk"

"Platoon 1 Minor"
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Passing Out Parade (POP LOH!!)
Finally the first stage of my Army Life is completed. It quite saddening to leave the place even though that was my greatest dream when I first stepped into Tekong still wearing my civilian clothing. Now I'm officially a Full-Time NSF "PTE LIM". =)
Just before we POP, we had a 24km route march. It a march where every REC in BMT had to go through with their field bag and"WIFE". At the start, everyone was fresh and steady for the first 4km, singing loudly and talking non-stop but as we march on all the song and talking started to quiet down. During 12km, we started to feel all the aching and pain all around our body (esp. The sole and shoulder). By 20km, most of us were zombified but still we carry on telling ourselves that just 400m more (In actually facts, it 4km more. Lies work sometimes =p). When we finally completed, the feeling was like.. "LET ME PUT DOWN MY FIELD BAG PLS" (That what i felt when I reach my coy line. Hahas).
Next we march to parade square where all our parents were and do what we do best throw our jockey cap high in the sky and shout "POP LOH" =D
Till here
Jaguar Platoon 1 Section 1. Gonna miss you guys!
Just before we POP, we had a 24km route march. It a march where every REC in BMT had to go through with their field bag and"WIFE". At the start, everyone was fresh and steady for the first 4km, singing loudly and talking non-stop but as we march on all the song and talking started to quiet down. During 12km, we started to feel all the aching and pain all around our body (esp. The sole and shoulder). By 20km, most of us were zombified but still we carry on telling ourselves that just 400m more (In actually facts, it 4km more. Lies work sometimes =p). When we finally completed, the feeling was like.. "LET ME PUT DOWN MY FIELD BAG PLS" (That what i felt when I reach my coy line. Hahas).
Next we march to parade square where all our parents were and do what we do best throw our jockey cap high in the sky and shout "POP LOH" =D
Till here
Jaguar Platoon 1 Section 1. Gonna miss you guys!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
BxH (Uncovered)
It was an surprise to find out that there are actually Bounty X Hunter products in Singapore!
Over there I found my favourite BxH design =D
However to my disappointment the size was "OUT OF STOCK"
What the! how can this possibly happen? Is this some kind of sick joke?
Anyway for those who are quite mad about BxH products like me. You can find the store at Far East Plaza 2nd level. Store name "Black Chamber". Though the price can be quite steep!
By the way Joke of the Day "Someone tio 鸟屎 directly on his shoulder (Miss his head by 0.9cm) while having lunch. After 1st artillary always come 2nd artillary (Miss him by 2cm)" lol what a day.
Till here
POP in 5 more days
Over there I found my favourite BxH design =D
However to my disappointment the size was "OUT OF STOCK"
What the! how can this possibly happen? Is this some kind of sick joke?
Anyway for those who are quite mad about BxH products like me. You can find the store at Far East Plaza 2nd level. Store name "Black Chamber". Though the price can be quite steep!
By the way Joke of the Day "Someone tio 鸟屎 directly on his shoulder (Miss his head by 0.9cm) while having lunch. After 1st artillary always come 2nd artillary (Miss him by 2cm)" lol what a day.
Till here
POP in 5 more days
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Section Outing (Jaguar Coy Pt 1 Sec 1)
Qns: How is bond formed?
Ans: Well you try eating, talking, training, kena torture, sleeping & even showering together for 2 months. =D
However it can be quite saddnening for one of our buddy to leave the bond due to some health problems. (After all the craps we went through together) So it most appropriate that we had some kind of farewell party for our buddy!
We had dinner at Shokudo (I keep typing "Shodoku" initially - Sudoku). It was a great place. Highly recommended though the price can be quite steep. We had some chit-chat section with our dear Elvis > "apple"? and found out that he is such a "RARE SPECIES" or should I say a extinct animal. (Innocent yet blur, pure yet too rigid & etc..) No offence Elvis. =p
Drinking Session with buddy can prove to be fun & drunk! I ain't a good drinker and that night was really a drunk night.
Well how drunk can I get?
- Drop my spec & didn't even realise until the next morning
- Need my buddy to carry me to catch a cab
- Almost puke at my own house (gross)
- Suffer bad hangover the next day
Anyway it was indeed a Memorable day with my nub army friends.
Till here
Good luck to you "ON" =D
Ans: Well you try eating, talking, training, kena torture, sleeping & even showering together for 2 months. =D
However it can be quite saddnening for one of our buddy to leave the bond due to some health problems. (After all the craps we went through together) So it most appropriate that we had some kind of farewell party for our buddy!
We had dinner at Shokudo (I keep typing "Shodoku" initially - Sudoku). It was a great place. Highly recommended though the price can be quite steep. We had some chit-chat section with our dear Elvis > "apple"? and found out that he is such a "RARE SPECIES" or should I say a extinct animal. (Innocent yet blur, pure yet too rigid & etc..) No offence Elvis. =p
Drinking Session with buddy can prove to be fun & drunk! I ain't a good drinker and that night was really a drunk night.
Well how drunk can I get?
- Drop my spec & didn't even realise until the next morning
- Need my buddy to carry me to catch a cab
- Almost puke at my own house (gross)
- Suffer bad hangover the next day
Anyway it was indeed a Memorable day with my nub army friends.
Till here
Good luck to you "ON" =D
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Field Experience OVER
Finally it is all over!
Going in the forest and live in a quite a primitive condition is "Totally out of the comfort zone"
So what did i do?
Showering in the rain - Sing sha na na
Doing facial with mud - Now i know how pig feel when they mud bath
Learn the ways of farmer and builder - "DIG DIG DIG" & "TIE SET BUILD"
Getting close to Mother Nature - Now i realize there alot of different type of insect
Even though it was very physical & mentally taxing but it was really a memorable experience with my bunk-mate doing all this together. =)
Till here
I did suffer some hallucination at nights which really freak me off.
Going in the forest and live in a quite a primitive condition is "Totally out of the comfort zone"
So what did i do?
Showering in the rain - Sing sha na na
Doing facial with mud - Now i know how pig feel when they mud bath
Learn the ways of farmer and builder - "DIG DIG DIG" & "TIE SET BUILD"
Getting close to Mother Nature - Now i realize there alot of different type of insect
Even though it was very physical & mentally taxing but it was really a memorable experience with my bunk-mate doing all this together. =)
Till here
I did suffer some hallucination at nights which really freak me off.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Sick Day
Imagine suffering from bad headaches and feeling giddy all day long. Your whole body feel as if it burning and your strength is slowly being drain away. Each passing moment you feel so tired and you were hoping that you could just lie down and rest. After that the aching pain started crawling over your body slowly but evidently. (High Fever and Sore throat)
That not the worst part. The worst was the uneasiness in your stomach which you lose your appetite. Then slowly you feel the intense pain that built up and you know it time to visit the precious toilet~~ (Diarrhoea)
It the 15th time I visit toilet since yesterday. Basically i visit the toilet every 5 - 10mins interval and I don't feel like I am shitting at all. It was more.. hmm ok try to imagine this scenario "you on the tap and let the water flow".. it something like that. (Trying not to make this post look gross. Haha =p)
Till here
I feel so sick. Haven report M.O yet
I feel so sick. Haven report M.O yet
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